
I began coaching with Susanna a few years ago during a time in my life when I was struggling to find my true inner voice. I had always been an “independent” woman, and one who had everything “on paper” that should have made me feel ultimate happiness. For most people I probably looked like I always had it together.

However, there was still a deep longing for something more, something bigger. I just wasn’t sure what exactly it was. In spite of the many reasons I had to feel happy, I often found myself struggling with a sense of unfulfillment and dissatisfaction with my life, and at the same time, guilty for wanting something more. I felt captive by my own emotions rather than in charge of who I was and how I saw myself in the future.

Susanna began working with me on uncovering the deeper layers of lies I had been buying into for years about my self worth and identity. She walked me through the process of speaking to my own soul and allowing my freedom to soar. My coaching sessions with Susanna gave me the keys I needed to release myself from the traps of thought patterns and emotions that held me back for so many years.

One of the things I appreciated most about my coaching sessions with Susanna was that I never felt shamed or demeaned for struggling with the fears and lies in my life. With grace, understanding, and compassion, Susanna helped me to confront my past, release my fears, and raise my own standards and expectations for my life until I had no choice but to experience the freedom I was longing for. Susanna truly embodied the essence of “coaching”, rather than just prescribing me the steps and procedures I needed to take to “fix” myself. I began to see freedom in my life on a deeper level than I had through other counseling or self-help methods. My coaching sessions with Susanna helped equip me with the tools I need when faced with self-doubt, insecurity, and fear. Now, instead of feeling like a prisoner to my own thoughts and emotions, I feel confident to walk boldly into my future. This freedom to be who I truly am is EVERYTHING I have longed for! Thank you Susanna for helping me find the keys to unlock my beautiful voice and destiny!

Rebekah P. Macden

International Educator and Education Consultant, Brussels, Belgium

Susanna is an incredible woman & life coach! I felt immediate connection with her when we spoke. She helped me strategically understand what are the next key steps I needed to take in my life and business. I highly recommend working with Susanna if you are ready to get out of the overwhelm and awaken your deeper purpose!

Joanna Echols

Career and Life Coach, CT, USA

Susanna has been a voice of clarity, encouragement and healing in my life. She carries truth and graciously delivers it in a way that’s needed to challenge me, to ask questions, go deeper, and refuse to settle for mediocrity. While going through major losses and transition in my life, she coached me in how to find clarity and resilience to navigate through the fog, pain and demotivation, and showed empathy as well as strength in giving me tools that empowered me long after our sessions. Susanna was also a key, valuable voice in offering me creative feedback in my latest recording project. She has a sharp ear that captured details and nuances of the production which only took it to another level! I highly recommend Susanna as she is a woman of wisdom and depth and yet at the same time, pragmatic and gets down to the nitty-gritty to lead you to own your story, own your freedom and live out your destiny.

Johanna Cappon

Recording Artist & Speaker, TX, USA

Susanna’s extensive background in the creative arts, paired with her passion and vision for supporting creatives in packaging their talent, uniquely positions her as an expert in her field. She balances the importance of mindset and conscious language, with the structures of business, and does so in a soulful way that encourages women to do what they love, and have the confidence to release their innermost voice. Susanna is powerful and soulful, undeniably connected to her inner voice and able to awaken a deeper purpose in others. Her energy transcends mere interaction and has the unique ability to uplift and transform lives. In my personal experience on a call with Susanna, I felt a healing connection unlike anything I’d felt before. She’s anything but surface-level – Susanna goes deep and promotes massive change from within.

Camilla Carboni

Success Coach and Best Selling Author

Susanna is an intuitive powerhouse whose coaching dives deep to uncover and break through any blocks that have prevented you from showing up in the world and sharing your voice in your most authentic and genuine self. Through a combination of experience and empathy she connects with your soul and empowers you in the deepest sense of the word. Susanna does not do surface level, if you’re interested in real results and deep transformation, do not miss your opportunity to work with her!

Kristie Lammi

Freedom & Success Coach

Susanna is a dynamic teacher and communicator. Her ability to immediately put me at ease has allowed me to open up and go beyond what I thought I was capable of. I appreciate her firm but yet, kind and gentle spirit. Especially when it comes to matters of the heart and soul. She’s not only able to provide ideas but, she’s been able to make them come to life in real and tangible ways. Her communication style has been extremely effective in allowing me to truly discover who I truly am. Susanna, you have been gifted with the ability to translate thoughts and feelings, hurts and pains into HEALING. Thank you for using your voice in my life so that I can use mine!

Zipporah Bahn

Sales Strategist, MN, USA

Susanna was so wonderful to connect with. She absolutely glows, and is such a source of love and light. Not only am I in awe of how she shows up in this world, I had the opportunity to be one of the people touched by her showing up for me. She used her knowledge, experience and grace to guide me along a big decision in my life, and was there later to check in with me. She truly exudes a joy and strength that is contagious, and I consider myself very fortunate to fall in her path.

Paula Haubrich



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