gold mandala

Freedom Coach & Mindset Maven.


My passion & calling is to awaken the greatness within YOU,

Soulful Sisters! | Spiritual Creatives! | Entrepreneurial Women!

I help Brilliant women like you ignite FREEDOM in your inner world SO THAT TOGETHER, we can IGNITE Freedom in our world.

I do this by helping you to activate your gifts, strengths & the connection already inside of you TO Divine source, and in doing so, unlock your authentic identity and destiny, so you can live the life you were meant to & have the impact you were created for.

The fact that you’re here says something about you

That there IS something inside you that you have STILL been holding back
from fully shining and being fully free.

From the world truly being blessed by your God-given brilliance.
From releasing your creative expression in that greater way that you know you were meant for.

It’s those deep areas of your soul that is holding you here to this page, because that “something big” that you’ve been longing for is….HERE.

It has been waiting for you, even longer than you’ve been waiting for it. And you want to break free and start living that life to the full!!

Susanna looking at camera

How do I know?

Because I’ve been in your Adidas, high heels, AND house slippers, honey!


See, although I grew up in a Midwestern small town, I was performing on stage by the ripe age of 2 years old and my family and I traveled all over the world and did music and philanthropic work, so, pretty atypical childhood! From the time I was knee high I always was that dreamer who dared to dream crazy big and have an amazing impact in the world!

From the age of 4, I would stand up on the coffee table and sing or speak (and charge my family members to attend haha!) and pretend I was traveling the world to make a difference thru my singing and speaking!

At 5 years old, I made the decision that I wanted to record my first album by the time I was 6! (no time to waste, people!!) I snagged my first paid singing gig at 8 (Whoohoo! A professional, at last!!!) and went on to win various vocal competitions throughout high school, winning scholarships for college.

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Armed with my Vocal Performance and later, Communication degrees, as a young adult,
I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey by starting my own Vocal Coaching business in 2001.

I loved working with a large variety of vocal students from children to adults, bands and worship teams, not only working with vocal technique, but helping to make them shine as performers and individuals and coach them in transforming a “song” into an “experience”. Several of my students sought me out as an empowering life mentor aside from our vocal training as well.

Additionally, I have enjoyed doing some background work on a major film with Universal PIctures, supporting and lead roles in some small independent films, modeling in a variety of national and local mediums, voiceovers, a variety of live performances as well as singing back up for a number of recording artists on their recording projects.

I wondered, well, this is fun, but what’s this all for??

I mean, I loved getting my creative voice out there, but, I still felt like just doing these amazing projects were like random puzzle pieces….and I was missing the picture on the box!

Purple Mandala

Then my husband and I found out we were pregnant
with our first son!

My purpose as a mother began to unfold!

I absolutely adored this new little world changer that brought out a whole different side to who I was! Simultaneously, I also laid down a lot of my creative expression out of my desire to serve my family well. Knowing that life flows in seasons, I figured that my time in that season was done. Even though my husband has been very supportive of my creative endeavors, I thought that I needed to lay it down for the sake of marriage or motherhood or even having certain stereotypical societal expectations put on me. (Perhaps you’ve been there and done that?!)

Susanna smiling

3 handsome sons later, I continued encouraging and pouring myself into my spouse’s needs, my sons’ needs, my students…and I just kept my own desires on the “dream” shelf in my brain and waited for “Someday” when the kids were older…

The interesting thing though with seasons, is that while you need to know when to lay down something, you also need to know if and when to pick it back up. 🙂

I keep getting “signs” that I needed to create a new season merging the 2 previous seasons, but I kept pushing it away.

I let fear stop me from picking it back up again. I waited for someone to give me that permission to be who I was created to be again…

Only thing was….I already was created to shine…TODAY!

So I had to swallow the hard truth that… the only person holding back any permission… was me!!

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“You’re not good enough.” | “Don’t shine too much.” | “Who do you think you are?” | “You aren’t valued.”

I did too…over several years I shut down my shine in exchange for “love”. I shut down my voice in exchange for “acceptance”. Until my body, mind, soul and spirit over several years screamed out the misalignment and called me to a higher place of aligned freedom! Knowing what I had walked thru, various professionals from many different fields were astonished that I was even functioning, much less thriving after all was said and done.

” Pure gold doesn’t complain about how hot the fire is,
it surrenders because it knows beauty is what remains. ”

~ Susanna Esther

Once I began to recognize the potential for greater freedom, the inner strength that was emerging thru these numerous trials & the awareness of the cancerous mediocrity that was trying to eat away my future, there was no stopping me!!

My destiny was beckoning me to TAKE THE FREAKING LEAP!!

I HAD to jump all in for myself AND for my family. ALL or NOTHING. I knew we would benefit exponentially together!! It has definitely been a ton of hard work – But the rewards have been limitless!

I’m so infinitely grateful that I am not a victim to pain & lack of purpose is not the END of my story. Instead, I made myself familiar with the principle in life that wherever there is brokenness, there is always the opportunity for beautiful, resilient strength. Calling upon this strength, and over 15 years of studying & LIVING mindset work, I shifted my mindset towards endless possibilities.

As one of my spiritual mentors says, I continually surrounded myself with mentors and coaches who “poured water on my fears and gasoline on my dreams” and I KNEW that finding my true purpose and living out my destiny in freedom was available to me if I went for it.

Nothing less was an option.

Susanna skydiving

I gave myself permission to soar higher than I ever let myself fly before.

I kicked down the doors of fear and reclaimed my SHINE, that inner, brilliant supernova full of sparkling DESTINY that each of us were created to release into the planet for such a time as THIS…that brilliance that our world is aching for from you and I.

And in the process?

I reconnected with My DREAM & MY PURPOSE – releasing my voice, designed to create and liberate and in doing so, EMPOWERING and IGNITING others into their destined greatness!!

My Destiny is to help YOU, ambitious woman, be set FREE to live your Destiny with overflowing FREEDOM, so we can together make a greater impact on our world!!

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Here’s the beautiful thing about the highs and lows
of this ride we call LIFE:

Combined from all of the seasons past, emerges an authority in us that creates BREAKTHROUGH for others. It helps set OTHERS FREE to FLY, to SOAR into THEIR destiny, to ROAR their brilliant voices and FULFILL THEIR DREAMS! Their breakthrough, lights us up like fireworks that awaken the night sky and it’s a beautiful loop of fulfillment!! And THIS IS WHAT WE ARE ALL CREATED FOR!

To find our destiny in serving each other & overflowing in Divine flow, but to do so without losing our own God-given identity. Instead, we have to DO THE WORK to uncover our own innate brilliance like Michelangelo chipping away at the rock to uncover both the beauty and the power of David hiding within…

Then we stand in a place of a powerful identity made whole that serves out of the overflow of freedom!

And this EPIC freedom?

It brings healing to our mind, soul, spirit and body, fearless power and unshakeable peace, limitless abundance and I-got-a-constant-funk-dance-party-in-my-soul-cuz-I-can’t-believe-this-is-my-LIFE kinda feels!!!

YOUR destiny is waiting for you to awaken the greatness inside of you and go ALL IN for your dreams.

Do you want to uncover that strength and release that brilliance trapped inside you?

That hunger deep within you says Yessss!

And let me tell you, honey, the world around you says YESSSS!

We need YOUR voice. This is YOUR time for FREEDOM. How would it feel to do life completely switched ON?!

How would it feel for your loved ones?

YOUR destiny is waiting for you to awaken the greatness inside of you and go ALL IN for your dreams.

Do you want to uncover that strength and release that brilliance trapped inside you?

That hunger deep within you says Yessss!

And let me tell you, honey, the world around you says YESSSS!

We need YOUR voice. This is YOUR time for FREEDOM. How would it feel to do life completely switched ON?!

How would it feel for your loved ones?

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Take my hand now. Join me.
Let’s do this together.

Don’t delay your freedom and the freedom of those you love any longer.
It’s time… step out of those shadows and into your SHINE.

Your heart says YES!
Let your voice say it too.

Take my hand now. Join me.
Let’s do this together.

Don’t delay your freedom and the freedom of those you love any longer.
It’s time… step out of those shadows and into your SHINE.

Your heart says YES!
Let your voice say it too.



Aren’t you tired of fear
paralyzing YOU?


I would SO love for you

to get my FREE 5 Step Activation Guide in your hands

so YOU  can also turn paralyzing fear into Life-giving FREEDOM!


Let me know below where to send it!
And let fear know who's in charge!!
