I custom tailor each of my one-on-one programs to fit your unique needs, but here are the basics that we will cover in your 3 month intimate mentorship with me:

Phase 1: Foundation {6 Weeks}

◈ Strengths, Gifts and Talents (Who is the real ME?)

◈ Dreams and Desires (What do I Want?)

◈ Who Told Me, I Can’t? – (Identifying and Overcoming the Lies I Thought were “Just the Way I Am”, Uncovering our Money Story & Silencing the Accusers)

◈ No One Is Keeping Me Silent Anymore (Master the Mindset shifts that nullify Fear, Doubt and Shame )

◈ Finding My True Voice (Pushing past Upper Limits, Experiencing the Soul Healing power of Forgiveness)

◈ Reconnecting My Mind, Soul, Spirit and Body (Feel the life coming back again!)

Phase 2: Platform {6 Weeks}

◈ Releasing My Voice in Wholeness & Revisiting Upper Limits

◈ What Does My Voice Carry? (What’s my message?)

◈ Developing My Personal Message

◈ Clarifying My Audience

◈ Fine-tuning My Strategy

◈ Putting It All Together – It’s MY Time To Shine!

What Will I Get?


◈ Upon registration, you will receive an extensive welcome packet including a Strengths Assessment for you to fill out.  This creates room for us to spend less time playing catch up and more time hitting the ground running with precision towards your Destiny.

◈ 1 – 2 hour introductory intensive (via Phone/Skype/Zoom) to go over your Strengths Assessment & customize our plan for the three months and establish a strong foundation for our work together.

◈ 11 weekly – 1 hour Phone/Skype/Zoom sessions.

◈ Direct access to me personally via email throughout the length of the program

◈ Personally Curated Resources and Recommended Reads

◈ Personally Curated Worksheets

◈ Creative Production or Performance insight on your events, photoshoots, scripts, auditions to help you polish your presentation. Are you an artist? Writer? Singer? Photographer? Model? Speaker? Film maker? Get my eyes on your project and put my years of Performance and strategic Creative Production to work for you!

Purple Mandala

Honestly? This is the program I WISH I had when I wandered for years trying to figure it all out on my own. Don’t make the same mistakes I did! Take years of experimenting and compress them into 12 weeks of revelation?! YESSSS. You are meant for so much more than you’re currently living out and you know that deep down.

So don’t waste time!!

I firmly believe we are each meant for greatness and I also firmly believe that it doesn’t have to look self-serving. Even renowned Psychologist – Abraham Maslow – in hindsight, later revised the highest level in his own Hierarchy of Needs after realizing that we must keep transforming beyond the need for self-actualization and into Transcendence – receiving from outside ourselves {I call it Divine Flow} as well as overflowing into transforming others around us, in our sphere we are meant to transform.

For some of us, that sphere of influence we are meant to transform is our family, or the corporation you work in, the leadership board you are on, the company you started, the art you create, the people you represent and more. HOWEVER, we can only have that greater impact when we have done that work within ourselves.

As one of the most beautiful souls of our time said, “If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change.” (~Man In The Mirror, Michael Jackson)

I created this program to help unlock all this potential inside so many other brilliant powerful women who are either running their destiny, but not walking out their greatest freedom from the inside out, or those who need to start from square one and ignite their destiny!

You matter, Beautiful! I can’t wait to hear your voice – your gift for this world! I can’t wait for this world to experience the healing, laughter, wisdom, innovation, power that YOUR unique voice is meant to imprint on to all of us. Our world needs this NOW, more than ever, don’t you think? This is your chance to be part of this awakening!

Purple Mandala

How do I know if this program is right for me?

◈ If you are looking for a practical transformation that is going to support you in a way that creates room for the lies to fade and the truth to send you soaring into the territory you were born to inhabit, then my program is right for you.

◈ If you are looking to address your WHOLE self, mind, body, spirit and soul in this epic freedom journey we are walking, then my program is right for you.

◈ If you’re tired of all the fluff and fake solutions and you need pragmatic solutions that set your heart on fire because it’s speaking right to your core, then my program is for you.

◈ If you’re not afraid to do the work and get real about what you need to do, then my program is right for you.

Susanna was so wonderful to connect with. She absolutely glows, and is such a source of love and light. Not only am I in awe of how she shows up in this world, I had the opportunity to be one of the people touched by her showing up for me. She used her knowledge, experience and grace to guide me along a big decision in my life, and was there later to check in with me. She truly exudes a joy and strength that is contagious, and I consider myself very fortunate to fall in her path.

Paula Haubrich

Susanna is an incredible woman & life coach! I felt immediate connection with her when we spoke. She helped me strategically understand what are the next key steps I needed to take in my life and business. I highly recommend working with Susanna if you are ready to get out of the overwhelm and awaken your deeper purpose!

Joanna Echols

Career and Life Coach, CT, USA

Susanna has been a voice of clarity, encouragement and healing in my life. She carries truth and graciously delivers it in a way that’s needed to challenge me, to ask questions, go deeper, and refuse to settle for mediocrity. While going through major losses and transition in my life, she coached me in how to find clarity and resilience to navigate through the fog, pain and demotivation, and showed empathy as well as strength in giving me tools that empowered me long after our sessions. Susanna was also a key, valuable voice in offering me creative feedback in my latest recording project. She has a sharp ear that captured details and nuances of the production which only took it to another level! I highly recommend Susanna as she is a woman of wisdom and depth and yet at the same time, pragmatic and gets down to the nitty-gritty to lead you to own your story, own your freedom and live out your destiny.

Johanna Cappon

Recording Artist & Speaker, TX, USA

Susanna is powerful and soulful, undeniably connected to her inner voice and able to awaken a deeper purpose in others. Her energy transcends mere interaction and has the unique ability to uplift and transform lives. In my personal experience on a call with Susanna, I felt a healing connection unlike anything I’d felt before. She’s anything but surface-level – Susanna goes deep and promotes massive change from within. Susanna’s extensive background in the creative arts, paired with her passion and vision for supporting creatives in packaging their talent, uniquely positions her as an expert in her field. She balances the importance of mindset and conscious language, with the structures of business, and does so in a soulful way that encourages women to do what they love, and have the confidence to release their innermost voice.

Camilla Carboni

Success Coach and Best Selling Author

Susanna is a dynamic teacher and communicator. Her ability to immediately put me at ease has allowed me to open up and go beyond what I thought I was capable of. I appreciate her firm but yet, kind and gentle spirit. Especially when it comes to matters of the heart and soul. She’s not only able to provide ideas but, she’s been able to make them come to life in real and tangible ways. Her communication style has been extremely effective in allowing me to truly discover who I truly am. Susanna, you have been gifted with the ability to translate thoughts and feelings, hurts and pains into HEALING. Thank you for using your voice in my life so that I can use mine!

Zipporah Bahn

Sales Strategist, MN, USA

Susanna is an intuitive powerhouse whose coaching dives deep to uncover and break through any blocks that have prevented you from showing up in the world and sharing your voice in your most authentic and genuine self. Through a combination of experience and empathy she connects with your soul and empowers you in the deepest sense of the word. Susanna does not do surface level, if you’re interested in real results and deep transformation, do not miss your opportunity to work with her!

Kristie Lammi

Freedom & Success Coach

My coaching sessions with Susanna helped equip me with the tools I need when faced with self-doubt, insecurity, and fear. Now, instead of feeling like a prisoner to my own thoughts and emotions, I feel confident to walk boldly into my future. This freedom to be who I truly am is EVERYTHING I have longed for! Thank you Susanna for helping me find the keys to unlock my beautiful voice and destiny!

Rebekah P. Macden

International Educator and Education Consultant, Brussels, Belgium

Outcomes of Working With Me

◈ Identify Your Unique Strengths, Gifts & Talents
Are you ready to meet your full fledged BRILLIANCE!? You won’t believe who you GET to be!

◈ Reconnecting with your Dreams and Desires
Give yourself permission to awaken those dreams you’ve forgotten about, but are still holding on to you

◈ Unhook from the Limiting Lies You’ve Been Believing About Yourself
First, we identify the root of these lies, then we uproot them and deposit new, pure TRUTH that continually empowers you from the inside out.

◈ Incisive Clarity on Your TRUE Identity and Purpose
Get clear and feel your confidence soar! Your smile will thank you!

◈ Realignment with Your TRUE Self and the Divine
No more “shoulds’ or “have to”, or fragmented, oppressive sense of being.  It’s time to step into a place of restful overflow of Divine ALIGNMENT! Freedom time!!

◈ A Fulfilled and Empowered Sense of Direction and Calling
Your Identity is secure, you know who you are and stand in your power, you are clear on your why and your mission is coming alive

◈ Tangible Ways You can Release your Unique Gifts
Creative strategies to take your experience and craft your message in ways that make you come ALIVE inside, baby!! Main mission: AUTHENTICITY.

◈ Create a Strategic Platform to Create Positive Change in the World
Are you an artist? Writer? Singer? Photographer? Model? Speaker? Film maker? Get my eyes on your project and put my decades of Performance, Creative Production and Entrepreneurial Strategy to work for you! More strategies customized to you, to release your voice and message in the mediums that are a fit for you in this season as well as planning for your upleveling in the next season!

◈ Soaring Confidence
No big deal, just a natural byproduct from all the amazing inner work you are doing!

◈ New Paradigm Shifting Perspective on Your Life
Nothing can keep you down, because you know how to find and SEE the truth that empowers you from ANY angle! And it’s POWERFUL!!

◈ Vibrant Relationships Because You’re Thriving, not just Surviving
(And putting those boundaries around the toxic ones! You know what I’m sayin’ girl!?!)

◈ You now Master & Harness Anxiety and Fear & Transform them into Creative Energy in Pursuing Your Divine Purpose
“What was that, fear?? You talkin to me??”

◈ Your Dormant Destiny Awakens into a Powerful Force of Freedom & Abundance
What you thought was just a dream, can be your reality…

◈ You Live in the Overflow and Begin to Create a Powerful Impact in the World Everywhere You Go

Are you ready??

Maybe you’re thinking…

“Wow…that looks amazing and all…but, it’s just not “realistic” for me..That couldn’t be me..?
How would I do this in my current schedule?
How can I go after ALL that is in my dreams?
Isn’t that selfish? or materialistic? Or proud?

Look me in the eyes, my dear.

Nope. It’s just fear.

◈ Fear of the unknown.

◈ Fear of not being good enough (scared that you might be better in your head than you reaaaally are once you step out…?)

◈ Fear that you don’t deserve it because of all that you’ve done…or haven’t done.

◈ Fear that your loved ones would suffer or be neglected if you did something for yourself.

◈ Fear of what “they” might think, do or say.

◈ Fear of what you might turn into if you went after your dreams with passion.

◈ Fear that you’ve already missed the right timing or right opportunities.

Oh, my dear, amazing friend. I know each of these voices all too well.

And let me tell ya something honey…The actual truth that is standing there patiently to be seen…?

It steals your brilliance from us and leaves the world aching for what you were put here to bring! It leaves you “stuck” in limbo between the dreams in your inner world and the fruition of your destiny in your external world. It robs you of the oxygen that your fully alive and free self would have. That oxygen that would in turn breathe new LIFE into your unique individuality, excitement into your marriage, JOY into your parenting, vibrance in all your relationships because you are Abundantly living out your BRILLIANCE & AUTHENTICITY!!

What would it look like to NOT have anxiety and fear bully you at every attempt that you try to go after your dreams?

What if you were able to master THEM and harness that negative energy into a force that allows your creative gifts to shine, unleashes freedom in YOUR life, your marriage & to your kids and spills over on to your friends & your loved ones??

What kind of memories would your kids have of a mama that inspired them to go after their dreams BY HER FAR MORE POWERFUL EXAMPLE than by her limited existence pushing them to do something she never had the guts to do and living vicariously thru them?? {Real talk, ladies. Nothing changes when we stay in denial. You deserve better for yourself and so do those amazing kiddos of yours, right?!}

What kind of life could you create for yourself and your family where you flippin LAUGHED in the face of fear?!?!

The truth is, you ARE already a brilliant force to be reckoned with! It’s waaaay down deep in you, but it’s there.

Maybe you haven’t yet tapped into your true gifts and they sit dormant in your life, the pain of deferred hope causing you to numb it out with TV, overindulging, depression or “busyness”. Are you really happy? Or just living for the weekend? How’s that working out for ya?

Purple Mandala

Maybe you are already flowing in some of your gifts, you may have started a business, created a product or service that helps people, activated some artistry or performance gifts in yourself & may have even enjoyed significant success on a certain level or are the leading expert in your field…

but you’re feeling the call…

the call to take this to a whole new level

to quit playing shallow and set yourself apart from the monotonous crowd

to go deeper, higher…

to FEEL more FULLY…

to FEEL more fully FREE.

To release your voice in greater ways that make more of a meaningful and powerful impact in the world.


◈ Absolutely clear on your IDENTITY, PURPOSE & VISION & you LOVE who you are!!

◈ No matter what comes your way, you remain UNSHAKABLY FEARLESS because your MINDSET game is FIERCE!

◈ Your mind, soul, spirit and body in full integration & alignment with YOUR Divine PURPOSE!

◈ Consistently celebrating crossing things off your “dreams” list, because now YOU’RE LIVING THEM OUT!

◈ Confidence that spills over from the deep places of your soul, onto your beautiful smile and magnetizes others!

◈ You are just so freaking lit up about your life that it’s contagious!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!

◈ This creative energy that was once stifled and bored, now ROARS & SOARS like the high performance jet-engine it was created to be and you LOVE the work you are doing!

◈ You pinch yourself at the outcomes you’ve created once you’ve said YES and DID THE WORK and you get to watch your loved ones up level their lives too because YOU said YES!

◈ You skillfully network with powerful people because they LOVE WHAT YOU HAVE and you can walk in there with a powerful, confident presence because you know WHO YOU ARE!

◈ Your voice released  & the powerful message you carry changes your world, your family’s world, your community’s world and our world!

Susanna’s extensive background in the creative arts, paired with her passion and vision for supporting creatives, and in packaging their talent, uniquely positions her as an expert in her field. She balances the importance of mindset and conscious language, with the structures of business, and does so in a soulful way that encourages women to do what they love, and have the confidence to release their innermost voice.

– Camilla Carboni, Best Selling Author & Success Coach

But here’s the thing, Beautiful Soul…you only get these kind of results when you cut the ties to all the excuses and make the DECISION to go all in for the life you have within you to create.

I believe YOU TOO can get to the point in your life where fear, doubt and shame FEAR YOU!!

Fear is so overrated!

Do you know WHY??

Fear, Doubt, Shame and Guilt FEAR YOU because they KNOW WHAT YOU, my beautiful friend, look like WITHOUT their stranglehold on YOUR DESTINY.

Purple Mandala

You are brilliant, bold, turning pain upside down into profit, depression into destiny and misery into majesty and setting others free with your business, your art, your voice, your soul, your love, your brilliance, your destiny! Of COURSE fear and shame have a vested interest in keeping you on lockdown…and THAT’S why they are also afraid of ME – because it is my DIVINE MISSION to annihilate FEAR, DOUBT, SHAME & GUILT and empower you with LOVE – like Powerful Freedom Injections into the souls of influencers, world changers, truth seekers and paradigm shift creators.

Is that YOU?

It’s Your Time, Girl!!

Overflow in your greatest freedom beyond your wildest dreams so that you can do what you were born on this planet to do
– Transform the world. –

it begins here



Aren’t you tired of fear
paralyzing YOU?


I would SO love for you

to get my FREE 5 Step Activation Guide in your hands

so YOU  can also turn paralyzing fear into Life-giving FREEDOM!


Let me know below where to send it!
And let fear know who's in charge!!
