Fear is so OVERRATED.
Truth is,

my beautiful friend, look like
WITHOUT its stranglehold on YOUR DESTINY.

I allowed fear to be in charge for far too long.

I had a specialty in so many fears…

until finally my misery and enduring the slow suffocation of my deepest dreams caused me to say, “enough is enough!!!” Life kept throwing me trauma after trauma after trauma, and with each one, I began to gain more and more resilience, choosing love, choosing forgiveness, choosing healing, strengthening my inner soul, mastering my mindset, perfecting the art of forgiveness and release and soaking in love and freedom for my soul.

Until, one day, I encountered what seemed to destine me for a profound defeat.

Susanna Bell's Palsy

In June 2016 – 10 days before I was to give birth to my 3rd son – out of nowhere, the right side of my face suddenly went paralyzed.

I had one of the most severe cases of Bell’s Palsy on their scale of severity! The neurologist said I had “Clinically complete-near complete” damage being that 80% of my facial nerves were damaged and not functioning. He said IF I were to recover, I should expect to only get 50-60% of my facial function back and even that would take likely anywhere from 9-18 months.

For someone who has done acting, modeling, a professional singer and being in such a very visible career as a voice & life coach…


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This was NOT the end and I refused to let it be. Knowing that we are integrated of Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit I went to the neurologist’s office to “gather data” from his area of expertise (body). After receiving the diagnosis from the dr., I thanked him and went home knowing that my soul, spirit and mindset would also need to be addressed to play their part in my full restoration.

Susanna on her computer

Activating my mindset, I declared the current hold that the paralysis had on me… was now null and void. “Thank you for bringing to me the gift of this obstacle, so that I can rise from it and use it for GREATER FREEDOM. Your job here is now done.”

Every time I looked in the mirror, I spoke resurrecting life over the areas of my face that were dead and literally commanded the paralysis to go and commanded my facial nerves to regenerate. I commanded inflammation to go and commanded my face to return to FULL function. I did this daily.

I also continued to release forgiveness from my soul so that nothing was hindering my healing from that level. I encouraged my soul that I WOULD RISE from this temporary defeat. Several times a day, I would even sing a song over myself about rising from defeat and resurrection life being in my body. I not only visualized my face returning to normal, standing in front of the bathroom mirror with half my face drooping and unmoving, I even visualized myself telling my story of my healing to encourage others.

Spiritually, I got the word out to my family and friends to pray for me with faith believing for a full recovery.

People all over the world, many whom I didn’t even know, began to pray. Around that time, I heard a podcast from one of my spiritual mentors, where he mentioned an ancient scripture that said when one experiences a loss in their life, the thief has to return 5-fold what was stolen!! I decided I’m not just going after the restoration of full function, but because of the severity of this situation, I was going after 120% recovery. I made a decision that this victory would be not only for me, but I was believing for anyone who has been paralyzed by defeat, by disappointment, depression, loss, etc. My victory is their victory. I determined to make that paralysis sorry that it ever messed with me because of all the freedom that was going to result from it, from my life and yours. I set that intention and then I activated it by speaking & singing life over my face & my soul every time I saw my reflection in the mirror!

Purple Mandala

3 months later, I had a follow up with the neurologist. He kept doing a double take, looking at his computer notes and at my face & said, “you’ve recovered more than most people that come in here, and you had quite the severe case!”

He confirmed that my nerves HAD, IN FACT, REGENERATED THEMSELVES and I now had nearly 90% recovery in far less time than he diagnosed, nor expected, and to this day, my face continues to see recovery.

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I know and believe in the power of using your faith and intention to create impossibility-defying realities in your life.

I believe this is what it looks like when we activate our human “YES!!” to Divine Power and experience turbo-charged, SUPERNATURAL results! I want to empower you to do the same in your life – in all the areas that are currently hidden, dormant, dreams forgotten, barely alive or flat out dead. I want to help position you to see radical healing in your dreams, your soul, your relationships, your business, as well as your body! You were designed for GREATNESS!


And, I’m taking a stand for you, that you DO NOT EVER SETTLE FOR LESS!!!!!

I believe YOU TOO can get to the point in your life where fear, doubt and shame FEAR YOU, Powerful Soul Sister!!

Fear is so overrated.
Do you know WHY??

Fear, Doubt, Shame and Guilt FEAR YOU because they KNOW WHAT YOU, my beautiful friend, look like WITHOUT their stranglehold on YOUR DESTINY.

You are brilliant, bold, turning pain upside down into profit, depression into destiny and misery into majesty and setting others free with your business, your art, your voice, your soul, your love, your brilliance, your destiny! Of COURSE fear and shame have a vested interest in keeping you on lockdown…and THAT’S why they are also afraid of ME – because it is my DIVINE MISSION to annihilate FEAR, DOUBT, SHAME & GUILT and empower you with LOVE – like Powerful Freedom Injections into the souls of influencers, world changers, truth seekers and paradigm shift creators.

Purple Mandala

Is that YOU?

It’s Your Time, Girl!!

Overflow in your greatest freedom beyond your wildest dreams so that you can do what you were born on this planet to do – Transform the world.

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Join me. Let’s talk.
Your heart says yes.
Let your voice say it too.



Aren’t you tired of fear
paralyzing YOU?


I would SO love for you

to get my FREE 5 Step Activation Guide in your hands

so YOU  can also turn paralyzing fear into Life-giving FREEDOM!


Let me know below where to send it!
And let fear know who's in charge!!
