Hello Lovely…
Your Season

We are not meant to conquer this life on our own.

We NEED those dreamers, thought leaders, mentors and coaches a few steps ahead of us who, “pour water on your fears and gasoline on your dreams” as one of my own brilliant mentors says!

Many amazing fellow world changers like you have applied my gifts and strengths to create a powerful change in their own lives and I would love for you to experience the same!

I have an in depth background in a variety of inner healing & freedom-work techniques and methodologies, discovering Divine identity and have studied & LIVED mindset work for over 15 years.

I also have a professional background in acting, modeling and vocal performance.  I have traveled the world and performed on stages since I was 2 years old, and have been an entrepreneur for the last 15 years as a personal vocal coach, where I coached my clients not only in singing, but overcoming fear and upgrading their mindset to release their “Star Performer” inner voice as well.

So I understand thoroughly what it means to:

◈ have MASSIVE dreams!

◈ feel shut down by people around you who didn’t share your vision

◈ yet persevere in harnessing your gifts & creative force

◈ get visible and put it out there on the tangible AND intangible platform with such confidence that you SHINE!

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My Vocal Performance degree as well as an additional degree in Communication, with emphasis on Media and Psychology has helped me shape the release of my own voice and the voices of others in many facets.

Additionally, for the past several years I have invested a huge percentage of my time and resources in in-depth life coaching under Master Success Coaches, Business Consulting training, Business Branding Strategies & Publicity Training all with several of the best and top influencers in the personal development and online marketing industry.

And, as I recommend to my clients, I continue to up level my own education with mentors and coaches that are drawing me further into my best self, while also having overcome a litany of painful challenges in my life that have only served to strengthen my resolve, mindset and spirit.

All this, while simultaneously being the devoted wife of a creative rockstar and adoring mama of 3, yes THREE freaking-adorable, high energy, amazing BOYS! So, I know a thing or two about being crazy-busy professionally AND relationally All-In and STILL pursuing & living the abundant & creative, freedom-life & releasing my voice in the ways that I was meant for!! {It’s possible, girl!! Whew!!}

One of my particular strengths is that of a futurist and strategist, where I can quickly see the dots that connect between the past, present and future from an overarching bird’s eye view.

This seer-like gift of vision has enabled me, in the face of obstacles most would give up on, to continually draw from my past seeds sown, turn the negative into fertilizer for the present soil, and pursue that future fruit and bring it into the NOW!

Susanna photo
Purple Mandala

Let’s be real with each other, shall we?

You and I both know that you have this amazing potential to take your gifts higher and really make a massive difference in the world with them!

But you’re NOT living that out FULLY now, it’s still just barely scratching the surface of what you KNOW you can be and do!

And it’s not going to happen without SUPPORT, ACCOUNTABILITY, ENCOURAGEMENT and EMPOWERING you to flip that bite-sized way of thinking you got yo’self all tangled up in and DREAM & DO those BIG things with gusto, Girl!!

I have created my 90 day Personalized 1:1 & VIP Programs just for amazing women like YOU to help bring those dreams out of your gorgeous head and into REAL LIFE!!!

If your greatest destiny is yet locked up inside you, consider this your key.

Schedule a complimentary 30 minute discovery call to see if my 1:1 program would be a good fit for you.

Here’s How I Can Help You

Susanna smiling

One-to-One Personal Coaching & Mentorship

Susanna looking at camera, smiling


“Changing the world begins with the very personal process of changing yourself, the only place you can begin is where you are, and the only time you can begin is always NOW.

~ Gary Zukav
Purple Mandala

This is YOUR time, Lovely.

Don’t let another season pass you by with your dreams and the destiny you’re meant for, creating an ache inside you instead of the life you’re meant to feel in your soul. You’re driven, passionate, ambitious, creative and you were meant to live a vibrant life! Stop shortchanging yourself of the freedom you’re destined for! Women like us know, that where there’s a will, there is a way. You’re here at this place in your life because of your perseverance, your work ethic, your willingness to go all in in other areas of your life, why not take those elements and make a masterpiece of your life? Why not do that for YOU, right here? It’s not enough to be interested. It’s not enough to even be willing. It’s time for ACTION. This is YOUR time to upgrade.

“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough. We must apply. Being willing is not enough. We must do.”

— Leonardo da Vinci

You’re ready for my program if:

◈ You’re ready to be done with excuses


◈ You have a strong creative bent

◈ You are driven and ambitious

◈ You take time to self-reflect and have the awareness not to live in blame-shifting

◈ You understand that living in Freedom isn’t easy, but you are READY and WILLING to DO.THE.WORK.

◈ You understand that this won’t work, unless you do.

◈ You are willing to be open minded

◈ You OWN your stuff & take full responsibility for your success AND your failures

◈ You LOVE to help people

◈ You have BIG dreams, love Tea, Funk Music, Travel, the color indigo & Sushi (Then, girl, we reaaaaaally need to chat!!)


You’re probably NOT ready for my program if :

◈ You’re still committed to siphoning life off of your excuses


◈ You expect others to do everything for you to create success in your life

◈ You take time to complain and blame instead of having the awareness to walk in your power to create a change

◈ You don’t think you’re READY and WILLING to DO.THE.WORK.

◈ You would rather not stop being boring

◈ You think that by clicking “buy”, that will solve your problems without any work on your part.

◈ You are are NOT open minded to what partnering with the Divine looks like

◈ You’re a ninja at passing the buck, shifting blame, playing the victim or passing guilt….and you’re too lazy to upgrade this current reality into actual freedom

If any of the above fit you more than you’d like to admit, these are the best choices for you:

◈ I don’t believe that anyone is beyond hope. None of us start out pretty.  Allow that belief to work FOR you by applying immediate and intentional ACTION if you’re serious about change. Take stock, turn that conviction in your heart into creative energy and commit to changing.  Sign up for my email newsletter for life-giving tips on creating that change where you are at.  Allow the change to become consistent in your life for at least 3 months, then set up a discovery call with me and if we’re the right fit, great! I’m already massively proud of you!  If we are not the right fit, I will graciously let you know and may refer you to someone who might be a better fit for you.

◈ If you’re not committed to create this change in your life, it’s not in your best interest or mine to waste further time here. I truly wish you the best.

“Desires must be combined with taking action, otherwise it’s nothing more than a wish.”

~Susanna Esther

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make payments? Why are the payment plans more expensive?
We do offer payment plans for the duration of the program you’re in. The payments will be split evenly over the 3 months. If it works better for you to make a larger deposit and then split the remaining payments into smaller monthly payments for the course of your program, that is available as well. Payments would need to be paid in full by the end of the program. We can discuss this option upon your scheduled discovery call.

It is typical for payment plans to be 15-20% more in price due to managing the delayed payment plan.

What is your refund policy?
All of our coaching programs are non-refundable without exceptions. The highest results and commitment to the work we do as both coach and client is a natural byproduct of this high standard and policy.
Can I book a VIP session if I’m not working on a creative project at the moment?
The VIP sessions can be customized to serve you best, whether entirely focused on life coaching or booked specifically around a creative project or a combination of both. Sign up for the waiting list, let us know what would best serve your needs and we can get you set up for success!

If you’ve read this far, you are likely considering working together to unleash your hidden greatness.

You are meant to be a POWERFUL force. The world needs you to fearlessly release that creative force inside you, your VOICE, your creative expression….and take it to a whole new level!

It’s your time to not be held back any longer, not muted by what other people think you should be as a woman/single/wife/mother, not silenced by deferred hope, disappointment or your fears.

You’ve seen glimpses of this in yourself…and that’s because, it’s meant for YOU!! Now it’s time to bring it out of your head and into your NOW.

Your Destiny is Calling…You are Here, For Such a TIME AS THIS.

Schedule a complimentary Discovery Session to see how I can best serve you.

I’m looking forward to hearing your voice soon.



Aren’t you tired of fear
paralyzing YOU?


I would SO love for you

to get my FREE 5 Step Activation Guide in your hands

so YOU  can also turn paralyzing fear into Life-giving FREEDOM!


Let me know below where to send it!
And let fear know who's in charge!!
